building community

Building community

Community gardening

See examples

Community gardening is defined by its shared nature; gardeners work collectively to manage a garden for shared benefit. Although communal gardening activities, and recognition of their perceived benefits have a long history, it is in recent years that interest has developed in assessing the potential of the approach to address many of the threats to health and wellbeing faced by global populations.

Environmental Evidence Journal

Social benefits of urban agriculture

Urban agriculture is thought to have social, economic and environmental benefits for urban areas. Therefore, policy documents on public space and (urban) food often mention urban agriculture as an effective tool to use urban space in a multifunctional way, contributing to several societal goals at once.

Social effects of urban agriculture

Green Space report 2020 – Public Health England

People and Nature survey 2020 – Natural England

Connecting communities through food

There is a convergence of the cultural and material worlds occurring in farming, driven by communities making connections between the production and consumption of food. This new civic agriculture is experienced in multiple ways, from small groups of allotment holders, to large groups owning substantial farming businesses and land.

Connecting communities through food – the development of community supported agriculture in the uk