Seminar Series

Seminars Series

Forest Gardening and Wellbeing

We at NFGS feel strongly about the potential of forest gardens to improve wellbeing, and in our winter seminars we are exploring the potential of forest gardens in healthcare settings

We put together four seminars as a complementary series, but each one also stands alone. 

Watch for as many as you like on the Forest Gardening and Wellbeing page.

Creating a Community Forest Garden

As part of the wide-ranging efforts many have undertaken to keep us all entertained/learning and connected during this time of social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic, the National Forest Gardening Scheme and its members organised a 8 week series of FREE seminars covering a variety of topics related to forest gardening.

The topics are varied so whether you’re just beginning, have a few years under your belt or are looking to advocate to access space to create a new forest garden in your area there will be something for you.

Each is a standalone presentation – so watch as many as you like!

View the Creating a Community Forest Garden

If you enjoy any of the sessions, please consider making a donation to help support our work or join up as a member!