NFGS call for replacement and additional directors

The NFGS currently has 6 directors. As a CIC the NFGS operates to fulfil its social purpose of supporting and promoting forest gardens. All directors currently provide their services pro bono i.e. gift their time in service of the organisation. We are looking for two additional directors in order to expand the capacity of the organisation and the work we wish to undertake, as well as a replacement for the current treasurer who is keen to step down because of family commitments once we have a replacement in post. You would join an active and dynamic board to support the development of this newly formed CIC.

Ideally, we would be keen to hear from you in the next couple of months in order to potentially nominate you at this year’s AGM at the end of September. Otherwise we are equally happy to receive nominations at any time after September and we then can utilise co-option for new directors to put them in post until the subsequent AGM.

In brief the requirements are;

  • To gift around 1-2 days per month, spread over the whole month in the work.
  • Treasurer: you will be responsible for the day to day care of the current bank account and carrying out online payment when necessary; keeping up-to-date the accounts spreadsheet so the financial situation of the organisation can be shared with the board at all time; filing the annual statement and annual accounts with Companies House as well as the tax return with HMRC. The current role did not include fundraising due to time constraints. Fundraising could in future be undertaken by another director, or the treasurer, depending upon experience and time availability. The current treasurer has prepared handover documents to explain in detail all of the above and would happily spend time over the phone to allow a smooth transition. He would also be available to support the next filing of returns or to share experience if required.
  • Two additional directors are sought. Ideally one of these will be someone who has forest gardening experience/ knowledge to support thought leadership. A second director is sought who could lead on the communication role, so with experience of blogging, FB, Twitter, website and so forth.

If you are interested in the treasurer role please email Philippe Grébert or for the two additional directors’ roles email Paul Pivcevic or Richard Luff. We will then be happy to explain more by e-mail and/or phone.