Forest gardening seminar series

As part of the wide-ranging efforts many have undertaken to keep us all entertained/ learning and connected during this time of social distancing, the National Forest Gardening Scheme and its members have organised a 8 week series of FREE seminars covering a variety of topics related to forest gardening.

We may run a further series if these prove successful.

The topics are varied so whether you’re just beginning, have a few years under your belt or are looking to advocate to access space to create a new forest garden in your area there will be something for you.

Each is a standalone event – so join for as many as you like!

April 16th: Medicinal forest gardening
Simon Miles (

This talk will cover a number of interesting and generally intriguing aspects about forest gardens and our health; including why we eat what we eat, what the implications are and the potential for use to integrate medicinal plants into our forest gardens and our lives

About the Speaker
Our speaker is Simon Miles NCH RHS. He is formally trained in Ornamental horticulture and herbalism, and has extensively studied forest gardening. He has his own 11 year old forest garden and plant nursery in Cornwall, growing and supplying people with some of those tricky to get hold of plants that we would all like to have in our own forest gardens. He runs tours of his forest garden plus courses on forest gardening, medicinal herbs, natural healing and more. Simon will also help you assess the potential for you to have your own forest garden at your chosen location and advise on species and setting out your plants as well as guidance on prioritising the order of planting. He says “forest gardens are a long term project and like building a house, if you don’t get your foundations right you will only create problems for later.”

BOOK HERE (for this and future seminars)

April 23rd: The permaculture principles of forest gardening, and how to forage a super salad

Jo Barker

See more about the presenter at:

April 30th: How and why to advocate for forest gardens in your local area

Daniel Scharf (MRTPI); Has recently written a ‘Supplementary Planning Document’ for Forest Gardening and will be describing the document and how to use it for advocacy

Hannah Gardiner; Has recently undertaken a review of the evidence base of the benefits of Forest gardening and will share useful insights for your advocacy work

Jane Morris; One of the founders of Birchfields Forest Garden, which has been developed in a park in 2007, she will talk about her journey of getting access to the park and building up the forest garden…

May 7th: The guilds of a Forest Garden (Tomas Remiarz)

May 14th: The easiest way to get started with a forest garden (Jake Rayson)

May 21st: TBC

May 28th: TBC

June 4th: How can we push forward the forest gardening movement? Opportunities and ideas for 2020