How and why to advocate for forest gardens in your local area

Seminar recording: April 30th A recording of the session here Daniel Scharf (MRTPI); Has recently written a ‘Supplementary Planning Document’ for Forest Gardening and will be describing the document and how to use it for advocacy Hannah Gardiner; Has recently undertaken a review of the evidence base of the benefits of Forest …

Forest gardening seminar series

As part of the wide-ranging efforts many have undertaken to keep us all entertained/ learning and connected during this time of social distancing, the National Forest Gardening Scheme and its members have organised a 8 week series of FREE seminars covering a variety of topics related to forest gardening. We …

Forest Garden in a Box!

We are ‘soft-launching’ this offer of a unique guild of plants, a forest garden starter-kit if you like, intended for a 3m x 3m space. It’s designed by a collaboration of our national forest gardening talent and comes with full planting, harvesting and cooking instructions and it’s available NOW at …